Monday, February 18, 2008

*cough cough*

i've been sniffing, coughing and spitting that green goo for 3 days straight now. clearly, it can be deduced that generic antibiotics don't work THAT fast compared to branded ones (they're cheap! that's why).

anyway, even though my nose is red like Rudolph's on a wet rainy day, i'm so happy my baby's already confirmed sa position niya! yehey! =) congrats b. i'm so proud of you. buti ka pa. ako, wala pa tawn. huhu i'm pretty sure that raise would make her smile all the way back home tonight. she would probably even talk the whole night on the phone without so much as letting me cough.. haha

P.S. i added the Google AdSense widget. it's supposed to let this blog gain money. well, yeah, it does let you earn money as long as this blog gets 600+ views/day! waaaht? it gives you $1 a day for 3 months. my.. my.. that's a lot of page views. that's probably $0.20/click or less. hehe sa susunod nalang kung may website na talaga kami.. =)

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